The Hummingbird
Lightness of being, enjoyment of life, being more present, independence, bringing playfulness and joy in your life, lifting up negativity, swiftness, ability to respond quickly, resiliency- being able to travel great distances tirelessly, wisdom of accomplishing great feats.
The Hummingbird Vine
Attracting magnificent creatures, the invasive nature of this plant makes it hard to get rid of, but it is also very hardy; they are self-seeding which produces suckers making them sometimes aggressive growing vines. A vigorous, deciduous woody vine, notable for its showy trumpet-shaped flowers
Hummingbird Vine Design was derived from these notable characteristics. As a totem and overall outlook on life, the Hummingbird symbolizes my journey as a creator. A vine is known to be continuous in growth, and chaotic if you will. From what Hummingbird Vine Design has to offer, I like to refer to this as my creative chaos. Making beautiful connections with amazing humans through purpose and passion.
My name is Alana, but most fine folk call me Lana because the additional "A" is far too proper. I love all things imaginative, wild, and eclectic. I find forever joy in making others feel special and my niche for ingenuity allows me to do so. I'm a highly sarcastic, spicy and expressive lass that survives off of high quality caffeine, a few profanities, and mountain air. I have always found myself wearing a number of hats and having a collection of professional interests. Having grown up in the suburbs of Chicago and attending Western Michigan University I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Interior Design. Shortly after my college escapade, I moved my caboose out west to the glorious valley known as Grand Junction. Grand Junction has been my home since 2015 and the Grand Valley has forever stolen my heart. The world continues to intrigue me with how much it has to offer. I want to see and partake in everything. My token hobbies consist of: Every mountain sport, dabbling in photography, baking cakes for everyone's birthdays, solo explorations, and smiling. I have always marched to the beat of my own drum and live by the song "Born To Be Wild" by -Steppenwolf.
"Like a true nature's child
We were born, born to be wild
We can climb so high
I never wanna die."
I apply these words to every aspect of my everyday life, whether that be in my career, going on my next adventure, or deciding which crafty beer I want with my pizza.
-Lana was here